Keep Holiday Decorating to a Minimum

While decorating for Halloween or Thanksgiving can be quite enjoyable, it is better to keep those decorations in storage while you are trying to sell your home. you may enjoy decorating for Halloween or Thanksgiving, it’s better to keep your decorations in storage when selling your home. An abundance of seasonal decor can be distracting, and some items may even offend a potential homebuyer. Keeping the decorating to a simple fall theme, like an autumn inspired wreath or fall colour palette may be a better option.

    Emphasize Being Cozy

    From cozy fires to your favourite comfort meals, autumn is a season in which comfort is of utmost importance. When staging your home you can use this to your advantage by accentuating spaces around your home with extra pillows, throw blankets, soft rugs, and welcoming colours. If you have a fireplace, stack some wood near it to help potential buyers imagine themselves warming up there on a cool fall day. You can even ask your agent to turn on a gas or electric fireplace before the showing to emphasize that cozy feel.

    Keep Up The Curb Appeal

    With summer being over, the green scenery begins to fade but don’t let it get you down! There is plenty you can do to make your outdoor space look just as welcoming as the inside during the fall season. Some suggestions include: keeping up with raking leaves, planting fall-friendly flowers like mums and pansies, cleaning the gutters, trimming back plants or bushes, and adding a new doormat. Remember to keep the holiday decor away, but a fresh pumpkin or two on the front porch can still add a pop of colour and make it feel more homey (just watch they don’t rot!)

    Make Use of Light

    As fall progresses and days grow shorter, natural light can be hard to come by. If you have additional light around your home it can help the space look larger and more inviting. Go room to room, and try to scope out any shadowy areas that could benefit from a lighting upgrade. Lamps and candles (battery powered are great especially for fire safety) are great additions to any room. Don’t forget to replace any burned-out bulbs and to turn on your exterior lights as well so guests can get a better look at your home and yard.

    Turn On The Heat

    In Canada, our autumn days can get frigid so it is imperative to keep your home as comfortable as possible during a showing so keep your home’s temperature at a reasonable temperature so to keep guest warm but not overheating! If you have a fireplace that produces heat, turning that on can help not only with warmth in your home but also creating the cozy atmosphere you are hoping to achieve.